Saturday, 4 December 2010

Microblogging Your Business to Success With Twitter

Twitter is constantly becoming an increasingly popular way to communicate and stay connected. It is totally free to use. Messages sent through Twitter, commonly referred to as "tweets", are always 140 characters or less. You can send them from your cell phone as an SMS or through the online service. Other users who are following you will receive all the tweets you make. Encapsulating your ideas into 140 characters is an art known as microblogging, and it is not always easy at first. You cannot cheat by using several consecutive tweets to form a longer message either.


Using Twitter as a business marketing tool can be very beneficial, but care must be taken to not send too many tweets to customers and potential clients because they can become too spam-like. The key to success is making short tweets that are interesting, grab the reader's attention, and lead them to visit your website. Boring tweets will be ignored, so make sure that your messages are packed with useful information.

Twitter widgets and links make excellent additions to your company's website. These links let your potential clients follow you on Twitter easily. That will let you stay in touch with them and continue marketing your products and services to them directly. Placing a widget on your site lets people know that your company uses Twitter actively and will help generate buzz about your business.

Marketing your B2B business with Twitter is a smart choice. Sending advertising teasers and special announcements as tweets is a great way to stay in contact with potential leads and existing customers. Remember that the goal of Twitter is to get people to your website where they can purchase your products and services.

Ray Perry is an Internet marketing executive with more than 25 years of experience. He is the Chief Marketing Officer at MarketBlazer, a small business marketing company and authorized Duct Tape Marketing coach. You can get more information about Twitter at

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