Friday, 3 December 2010

The Song of the Twitters

Twitter, tweaks and tickles note,

Now I follow what you write;

Tweet updates alerts so fast,

For my followers to digest.


This is not "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" the popular nursery rhyme by Jane Taylor that you and I used to recite; neither is this the twittering of the Birds in the forest; but this is "The Song of the Twitters".

"Do You Twitter Yet?"

That was one of the front cover headline captions of the August 18th, 2008 edition of Fortune Magazine. So what's your response, or are you ignorant or lost on this phenomenon called Twitter?

"Thousands of people are doing that every day. According to comScore, Twitter had almost three million monthly users as of June, which is triple what it had last November. Those figures are probably low because they don't measure mobile activity, which is a large part of the Twittersphere..."- Fortune Magazine.

Twitter is a free service which combines text-messaging with blogging (micro-blogging). It allows dispensations of short messages to everyone interested in your information, online from computer or by cell-phone, through text messages (aka "SMS"); just type your message, maximum of 140 characters, and channel (update) it and your followers would get notification to the effect.

What do I have to twit?

Anybody that has a thing to say, has something to twit about. Religious, Economic, Political, Social, Ideological and Cultural (REPSIC) activities are being twitted every second, to followers all over the world. Offline and Online marketers tweet updates on their services, products, articles, web and blog-sites. Political campaign teams and Congressmen easily tweet their followers and constituents on latest developments; news alerts are being channeled to followers by world known notable News media via Twitter.

If your activities fall between or even beyond the REPSIC activities and you want to reach out to people on it, then you must be Twittering. A webmaster or netpreneur could also place a Twitter widget on his/her blog or website to automatically update developments and activities to visitors whenever s/he tweets. You could as well use Twitter application to link Tweet's updates into your Facebook and some Social Networking sites which you are a member.

What are you 'still' doing?

If you are not Twittering by now, you are reducing an awesome information dissemination outreach and awareness, and it is like leaving enormous profitable info-spread on the table unattended to. Follow the trend whose popularity is exponentially exploding daily. It's a two way issue- you follow other people's updates of interest and others follow yours too.

To follow the trend, just go to Twitter site and sign up and start Twittering and join in "The Song of the Twitters".

Gabriel Ogundimu, is an Information Marketer and a entrepreneur who is out to learn, rub minds, share ideas and make a successful Internet home business.

You can follow me on Twitter @

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