Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The Electric Light of Twitter - Part 4

Sources like Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN to name a few have found success on Twitter, but in general corporate Twitter accounts don't seem to fair as well. It's all about a 2 way form of communication and not so much a broadcasting tool for corporations. One would miss the potential to use it like that.


That doesn't mean that you can't start a Twitter account for you organization. For example, if I opened a Twitter account using my name, you might not recognize the name, unless you were trying to make a large presence online with a huge number of followers, [not always the case]. but if I instead used the name BENJAMINS4U, you might be more inclined to follow because we all could use some Benjamins, right?

And then again it's not always the name that matters as is the content of the tweet. Tweets should be more than an endless string of sales pitches, ads, and links. Lots of personal content should also be included with a dialogue to followers.

That is all to important because this is where you make the bond with the follower. Having honest and open tweets with your followers is of the utmost importance. In this way you are sure to build loyalty and trustworthiness. This also opens the door for repeat traffic as well as word-of-mouth recommendations.

2-Learn From Others

I have learned allot about Twitter just by sitting back and observing other's tweets, as well as my personal back office's massive training regimen. Sometime people tweet with lots of humor, and follower respond well to that while others I've monitored, offer a good balance between recommending content written by others and also promoting one's own posts.

When you examine the styles of others tweets, look at their statistics also. Try a app. like TWEETSTAT. When you use this you can view how often they tweet and reply to their followers. I like Tweepi for stats. You get one hell of a chart full of statistics.

3-Desktop Clients-A Must

In my opinion, the top of the line out there has got to be. This is an Adobe AIR app for Linux, Mac, and of course, Windows. You get some awesome tools to manage your life on Twitter. You can create groups, make columns for certain subjects, create filters, and everything else you can do on basic Twitter. Just download this gem, and you'll be off and tweeting in no time.

4-Tweet And Travel

I'm not saying here to tweet while you are driving or operating any type of equipment, but if your going to personal as well as professional, you'll want this on the road with you. If your not lucky enough to have an iPhone, plug into Twitter's mobile web site. If you do have an iPhone, [I personally do not], you may want to try Tweetie. The reviews say that it is clean, easy to navigate, and is loaded with features. You can have multiple accounts, access profiles, do custom searches and view popular trends to name a few. It may even be better than TweetDeck. It's been said to offer a much cleaner interface as well as having the power of TweetDeck.

5-Tracking Your Results

There is a huge list of apps used to track your activity.Tweepi is just one of those. But, what us IM'ers need to know is, if I post a link on Twitter, how many people will click through?

If the link pointed to my website, Google Analytics' URL tagging tool could be implicated. The only problem is, it only works when I'm linking to my own website. In addition, the URL's can get pretty long, you only have 140 characters to spend.

This brings us to Tweet Burnner, which will handle most of these problems. URL shortening, click-through tracking, including sites you don't run yourself. It is also supported in TweetDeck but not in Tweetie.

6-To Follow And To Be Followed

Part of being a hit on Twitter is to reply to those who tweet you. It's not about who follows you, it's about who you follow. Another useful app is Mr. Tweet. You get a couple different kinds of info with Mr. Tweet:

people you may look into following, because they meet your criteria [people that your friends follow],

suggests tweeple from your followers list that you should be following back.

It also provide statistical information including:

how often they make updates,

number of followers,

the likelihood of them replying to you.

It's a good way to expand your network and increase the chances of your tweets getting retweeted.

7-Whenever Possible-IntegrateIf your going to use Twitter for other than personal use, you'll need to incorporate it into your strategy. This means you have to link it in some way to your other online activities. Other social networks included. There is no shortage of tools to help you do this, from sending your tweets to Facebook, Linkdin, or Wordpress to the basic Twitter widget.

TwitterFeed is one tool that caught my attention. This tool will post content from RSS feed to Twitter, and this is a good way to update your followers to new postings. But it is important to remember, that any auto-posting app can easily get you Twitter slapped if used in excess. It also make the post less personable.

8-Don't Reinvent The Wheel

It should be noted that the use of all these tools, is that it can make the whole Twitter experience less than personal. You might want to omit some of those late night drunken blackout tweets far behind, you shouldn't make them too sterile either.

Just be yourself. Don't send your primary opportunity up front. It should be on the backend. In your bio, don't link to your main objective or your biz op website, link to blog which should be your nerve center.

K.I.S.S. Most of all, have fun!

Thomas P. Lane has been a successful Master Mechanic and N.H.R.A. drag racer for over 25 years. He now spends his time and energies into cultivating entrepreneurs online by applying an honest and ethical approach to Internet marketing. His success in mentoring others to become financially independent and optimizing their lifestyles has already put him in demand in the Internet marketing circles.

To learn more about Thomas, log on to http://www.thestarvingmarketer.wordpress.com

For further information and to become a member of Thomas' elite group of marketers, please email at agentoffortune1@gmail.com, or call directly at 440-458-8631 in the United States.

Additional information is available at http://www.agentoffortune.net?t=ea

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